138 research outputs found

    Les Grans línies del futur econòmic de Catalunya (1)

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    Increased Presentation of Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Changes in Age and Month of Type 1 Diabetes at Onset during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Spain

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    COVID-19; Aparició de la diabetis; Diabetis tipus 1COVID-19; Aparición de diabetes; Diabetes tipo 1COVID-19; Diabetes onset; Type 1diabetesObjective: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown measures on the presenting characteristics (age at diagnosis, severity, monthly distribution) of newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes in Spanish children. Research Design and Methods: An ambispective observational multicenter study was conducted in nine Spanish tertiary-level hospitals between January 2015 and March 2021. Inclusion criteria: new cases of type 1 diabetes in children (0–14 years) recording age, sex, date of diagnosis, presence of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) at onset, and severity of DKA. Data were compared before and during the pandemic. Results: We registered 1444 new cases of type 1 diabetes in children: 1085 in the pre-pandemic period (2015–2019) and 359 during the pandemic (2020–March 2021). There was a significant increase in the group aged ≤4 years in the pandemic period (chi-squared = 10.986, df 2, p = 0.0041). In 2020–2021, cases of DKA increased significantly by 12% (95% CI: 7.2–20.4%), with a higher percentage of moderate and severe DKA, although this increase was not significant. In 2020, there was a sharp decrease in the number of cases in March, with a progressive increase from May through November, higher than in the same months of the period 2015–2019, highlighting the increase in the number of cases in June, September, and November. The first three months of 2021 showed a different trend to that observed both in the years 2015–2019 and in 2020, with a marked increase in the number of cases. Conclusions: A change in monthly distribution was described, with an increase in DKA at onset of type 1 diabetes. No differences were found in severity, although there were differences in the age distribution, with an increase in the number of cases in children under 4 years of age

    Autoras de manga shōnen: Diferencias en el tratamiento de personajes entre autoras y autores en el manga para chicos

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    Este trabajo de final de grado hace un análisis del tratamiento de personajes principales, masculinos y femeninos, en el manga shōnen con el objetivo de descubrir si existe una diferencia entre como construyen los personajes los autores y las autoras. El objetivo final es dirimir si realmente, como afirman algunos aficionados, existe una diferencia notable entre los manga shōnen dibujados por mujeres y los dibujados por hombres. Para ello se utilizarán el concepto de "marco shōnen" para las protagonistas femeninas y la tipologia de héroe para los protagonistas masculinos.Aquest treball de final de grau fa una anàlisi del tractament de personatges principals, masculins i femenins, al manga shōnen amb l'objectiu de descobrir si hi ha una diferència entre com construeixen els personatges els autors i les autores. L'objectiu final és dirimir si realment, com afirmen alguns aficionats, hi ha una diferència notable entre els manga shōnen dibuixats per dones i els dibuixats per homes. Per això s'utilitzaran el concepte de "marc shōnen" per a les protagonistes femenines i la tipologia d'heroi per als protagonistes masculins.This graduation thesis analyzes the treatment of main characters, male and female, in shōnen manga with the aim of discovering if there is a difference between how male and female authors construct their characters. The goal is to determine whether there really is, as some fans claim, a noticeable difference between shōnen manga drawn by women and those drawn by men. For this purpose, the concept of "shōnenframe" will be used for female protagonists and the hero typology for male protagonists

    Sorsby syndrome: Report of a case representing the second reported family

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    Dismorfología y Genética ClínicaIn 1935, Sorsby [Br J Ophthalmol. 1935; 19:65-90] described a family with several affected individuals presenting with bilateral coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly affecting hands and feet, and unilateral renal agenesis in one of its members. We describe a newborn girl presenting with the same pattern of congenital anomalies as the patients of the family originally described by Sorsby (OMIM 120400). However, the current case has as additional findings a single umbilical artery, and an anomaly of pulmonary vascularization consisting in: a ring in the lower right lobar artery and sequestration of the lower right lung lobe. Therefore, despite that our patient adds new clinical variability, it is not possible to disregard the diagnosis of Sorsby syndrome, because such clinical variability was also observed in the affected members of the original family described by Sorsby and some individuals of the next generations of the same family, according to the report by Thompson and Baraitser [J Med Genet. 1988; 25:313-321]. Based on the observed genealogy pattern of affected members in the only family published, it is considered that this syndrome is due to an autosomal dominant gene. The baby described here, is the first case in the family. She had a normal karyotype (~850 bands) and the subtelomeric Multi-FISH was also normal. Her father was 39 years old and, therefore, an age-related new mutation could be evaluated. The frequency of Sorsby syndrome is unknown, since only the original family has been published so far. However, as the case described here is part of the ECEMC Registry, we can estimate that its frequency is at least 1:2,750,000 newborn infants. We consider that, even in the “molecular era”, it remains important to clinically describe those extremely rare syndromes, in order to define their characteristics and clinical expressions. These aspects are essential to define the prognosis, clinical management and information to the family, and can help also to determine the gene(s) or pathogenetic pathways involved in their origin.N

    Parasitismo Natural de Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), en cuatro departamentos de Paraguay

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      The impact produced by natural enemies on culture pests is a very important factor to be taken into account when evaluating control methods. In this contaxt, the characteristic fauna of a region and its influence on a particular pest are very relevant data. This paper records the occurrence of parasitoids naturally associated with the fall army worm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797), in Paraguay, and their percentual impact, calculated from rearing larvae of the host collected during the period 2015 – 2016 in the departments of Caaguazú, Alto Paraná, Canindeyú and Itapúa. The parasitoids recorded were: Dissomphalus spp. (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), Exasticolus fuscicornis Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Ophion spp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Archytas spp. (Diptera: Tachinidae) and Winthenia spp. (Diptera: Tachinidae).  El impacto que los enemigos naturales producen sobre las plagas de cultivos es un factor importante a tener en cuenta en el momento de evaluar los métodos de control a ser aplicados. En este contexto, la fauna propia de una región y su influencia sobre una plaga en particular son datos relevantes. Este articulo reporta la ocurrencia de parasitoides asociados de manera natural al gusano cogollero Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith, 1797), en el Paraguay, y su impacto porcentual, calculado en la base de cría de larvas del hospedero colectados durante el período 2015 - 2016 en los departamentos de Caaguazú, Alto Paraná, Canindeyú e Itapúa. Los parasitoides reportados fueron: Dissomphalus spp. (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), Exasticolus fuscicornis Cameron (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), Ophion spp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), Archytas spp. (Diptera: Tachinidae) y Winthenia spp. (Diptera: Tachinidae

    The membrane-spanning 4-domains, subfamily A (MS4A) gene cluster contains a common variant associated with Alzheimer's disease

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    Background\ud In order to identify novel loci associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD), we conducted a genome-wide association study (GWAS) in the Spanish population.\ud \ud Methods\ud We genotyped 1,128 individuals using the Affymetrix Nsp I 250K chip. A sample of 327 sporadic AD patients and 801 controls with unknown cognitive status from the Spanish general population were included in our initial study. To increase the power of the study, we combined our results with those of four other public GWAS datasets by applying identical quality control filters and the same imputation methods, which were then analyzed with a global meta-GWAS. A replication sample with 2,200 sporadic AD patients and 2,301 controls was genotyped to confirm our GWAS findings.\ud \ud Results\ud Meta-analysis of our data and independent replication datasets allowed us to confirm a novel genome-wide significant association of AD with the membrane-spanning 4-domains subfamily A (MS4A) gene cluster (rs1562990, P = 4.40E-11, odds ratio = 0.88, 95% confidence interval 0.85 to 0.91, n = 10,181 cases and 14,341 controls).\ud \ud Conclusions\ud Our results underscore the importance of international efforts combining GWAS datasets to isolate genetic loci for complex diseases

    Elaboración de papel ecológico a partir de fibras vegetales para uso artístico

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    El propósito de este proyecto de investigación es la elaboración de papel ecológico a partir de la experimentación con diversas fibras vegetales de la provincia de Misiones para ser utilizado en el campo de las artes plásticas. Pretende optimizar los recursos humanos existentes, a través de la conformación de un equipo interdisciplinario que aúne conocimientos científico-tecnológicos y artísticos, sistematizar el proceso de producción del papel, ampliar su gama de posibilidades cromáticas utilizando vegetales de la zona y fomentar la elaboración de papel como soporte y medio de expresión artística. La metodología aplicada en el desarrollo del proyecto consta de dos etapas, una heurística y otra hermenéutica. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Elaboración de papel ecológico a partir de fibras vegetales para uso artístico

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    El propósito de este proyecto de investigación es la elaboración de papel ecológico a partir de la experimentación con diversas fibras vegetales de la provincia de Misiones para ser utilizado en el campo de las artes plásticas. Pretende optimizar los recursos humanos existentes, a través de la conformación de un equipo interdisciplinario que aúne conocimientos científico-tecnológicos y artísticos, sistematizar el proceso de producción del papel, ampliar su gama de posibilidades cromáticas utilizando vegetales de la zona y fomentar la elaboración de papel como soporte y medio de expresión artística. La metodología aplicada en el desarrollo del proyecto consta de dos etapas, una heurística y otra hermenéutica. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Elaboración de papel ecológico a partir de fibras vegetales para uso artístico

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    El propósito de este proyecto de investigación es la elaboración de papel ecológico a partir de la experimentación con diversas fibras vegetales de la provincia de Misiones para ser utilizado en el campo de las artes plásticas. Pretende optimizar los recursos humanos existentes, a través de la conformación de un equipo interdisciplinario que aúne conocimientos científico-tecnológicos y artísticos, sistematizar el proceso de producción del papel, ampliar su gama de posibilidades cromáticas utilizando vegetales de la zona y fomentar la elaboración de papel como soporte y medio de expresión artística. La metodología aplicada en el desarrollo del proyecto consta de dos etapas, una heurística y otra hermenéutica. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen) Facultad de Bellas Arte

    Falls among older adults in the South of Brazil: prevalence and determinants

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a prevalência e os fatores associados à ocorrência de quedas em idosos. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de 1.451 idosos residentes na zona urbana de Pelotas, RS, em 2014. Foi realizada análise descritiva dos dados e apresentada a prevalência de quedas no último ano. A análise de fatores demográficos, socioeconômicos, comportamentais e de saúde associados ao desfecho foi realizada por meio de regressão de Poisson com ajuste para variância robusta conforme modelo hierárquico. As variáveis foram ajustadas entre si dentro de cada nível e para as de nível superior. Aquelas com p ≤ 0,20 foram mantidas no modelo para controle de confusão e aquelas com p < 0,05 foram consideradas associadas ao desfecho. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de quedas em idosos no último ano foi de 28,1% (IC95% 25,9–30,5), e a maioria ocorreu na própria residência do idoso. Entre os idosos que sofreram queda, 51,5% (IC95% 46,6–56,4) tiveram uma única queda e 12,1% (IC95% 8,9–15,3) tiveram fratura como consequência, sendo a de membros inferiores a mais relatada. A prevalência de quedas foi maior em mulheres, idosos com idade avançada, de menor renda e escolaridade, com incapacidade funcional para atividades instrumentais e portadores de enfermidades como diabetes, doença cardíaca e artrite. CONCLUSÕES: A ocorrência de quedas atingiu quase um terço dos idosos, e a prevalência foi mais elevada em segmentos específicos da população em questão. Cerca de 12% dos idosos que caíram, fraturaram algum osso. Os fatores associados à ocorrência de quedas identificados neste estudo poderão nortear medidas que visem sua prevenção na população de idosos.OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the prevalence and the factors associated with the occurrence of falls among older adults. METHODS: A cross-sectional study with a representative sample of 1,451 elderly residents in the urban area of Pelotas, RS, in 2014. A descriptive analysis of the data was performed and the prevalence of falls in the last year was presented. The analysis of demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral and health factors associated with the outcome was performed using Poisson regression with adjustment for robust variance according to the hierarchical model. The variables were adjusted to each other within each level and for the higher level. Those with p ≤ 0.20 were maintained in the model for confounding control and those with p < 0.05 were considered to be associated with the outcome. RESULTS: The prevalence of falls among older adults in the last year was 28.1% (95%CI 25.9–30.5), and most occurred in the person’s own residence. Among the older adults who fell, 51.5% (95%CI 46.6–56.4) had a single fall and 12.1% (95%CI 8.9–15.3) had a fracture as a consequence, usually in the lower limbs. The prevalence of falls was higher in women, adults of advanced age, with lower income and schooling level, with functional incapacity for instrumental activities, and patients with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. CONCLUSIONS: The occurrence of falls reached almost a third of the older adults, and the prevalence was higher in specific segments of the population in question. About 12% of the older adults who fell fractured some bone. The factors associated with the occurrence of falls identified in this study may guide measures aimed at prevention in the older adult population